Friday, May 6, 2011

Open Skies Are Falling

While sleeping this morning, one of my favorite sounds woke me up.
The sound of rain and thunder.
I looked through the window and saw the beautiful scenario outside. I looked to my side and saw that my daughter was sleeping right next to me. Then I remembered her climbing into my bed earlier when hubby got up to go to work. Rain, thunder and my toddler cuddling up to me? Yep, more sleep for me! 

We both woke up at the same time, I looked at the clock and it was nearly noon! Oh no.. half of my day had passed! 
But then again, that doesn't matter. I am not working this evening and it's still pouring outside!
Our second car is still in the shop, getting fixed. All this means, it's going to be a lazy, stay at home day.

I usually hate these "lazy, stay at home" days.. but right now, I don't really seem to mind it.
After all, I haven't had one of them in quite a while.

While my little one watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, here I am, enjoying my lovely cup of coffee and listening to that beautiful sound outside. Pouring rain.
It's going to be a relaxing day.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rise Above This

At one point in my life, I was great at writing stories. Actually I was great at writing in general. In my younger days and also my teen years, I used to write a diary, almost every day. Then when diaries weren't cool any longer, I started a blog. And then all of a sudden, that talent sort of descended. I am not exactly sure what happened. Maybe it's just a lack of imagination. Or a lack of inspiration. But here I am, once again, trying to do what I once used to do. Put my thoughts into words. 
Writing calms me. It truly does. It puts me in a different mindset. It tranquilizes the soul. 

So here it is. 
Here are my words.
Here is my blog.
And here are my thoughts.